I’m New Here...
Tell Me About Gloria Dei!
Until we can chat with you, here are the answers to some of our visitors’ frequently asked questions to give you a glimpse of life at Gloria Dei!:
Q. Can I visit even if I am not a member?
A. Sure — all are welcome at Gloria Dei!. You can stop by anytime, without any commitment or pressure, to:
- join one of our services
- say “Hey,” to Pastor Robin
- attend one of our fun events
- get a boost of positive energy
- spend time in a safe, quiet place
Q. What makes your congregation special?
A. We take pride in having a Jesus focused congregation that is open minded and forward thinking. Worship, volunteer or attend one of our fun events. We welcome the opportunity to have you join us regardless of religious identity or wherever you may be on your faith journey.
Q. Do you have programs for kids?
A. Yes — we strive to provide a nurturing faith program for children and teens through educational and social activities such as: vacation bible school, youth mission trips, youth retreats, teen gatherings, Sunday school and confirmation.
Q. What ministries does Gloria Dei support?
A. There are many ministries to get involved with at Gloria Dei!, such as: community outreach, youth programs, education, fellowship, My Brother’s Pantry, Anne Arundel County Partnership for Children, Youth and Families, Annapolis Pride, Anne Arundel Connecting Together (ACT), racial equality social justice programs and global ministries with our sister churches in Madagascar, Slovakia and El Salvador.
Q. What is a worship service like?
A. Our congregation worships and sings in traditional and contemporary styles. Enjoy music from our pianist, organist, handbell ensemble, choirs, soloists and guest musicians. Meet with us for Punch on the Pavement after the service.
Q. When are worship services?
A. We gather in the main church on Sundays, from 10:00 am – 11:00 am. You can view recorded and livestream services anytime on Facebook Video and YouTube. The church is open for visits from 10 am – 4 pm, Monday – Friday.
Q. Can a visitor take communion?
A. Yes, all are free to experience communion during worship services regardless of age or ability.
Q. Do you have a dress code for church?
A. No — formal or casual, we look forward to your visit.
Q. Do I have to make donations?
A. No, donations are not required to attend worship services or events. In-person (cash or check) and online (PayPal or GivePlus Church app) giving options are available for those that decide to donate.
Q. What is the membership process?
A. If you want to become a member of Gloria Dei!, schedule time with Pastor Robin. After a few informal meetings, we will schedule time during one of our church services to introduce you as a new member.
Q. Who do I contact if I want to know more about Gloria Dei!?
A. Call, email or visit Pastor Robin or Cathy Hatch. You can fill out the contact form below to learn more.